1 to 1 private swimming lessons in Mesquite, TX
15+ years of experience in swim instruction with organizations such as the Red Cross, Aqua Kids and mobile swim schools.
CPR and First Aid Certified and insured.
Certified Infant Swim Rescue (ISR) instructor, the safest provider of infant and toddler survival swimming lessons worldwide.
Former Competitive swimmer and swim team coach
Heated and covered pool in the Meadowdale area of Mesquite , TX (near Sunnyvale).
Arming students with the competence and confidence required to safely enjoy the water.
Arm your child with an extra layer of protection against drowning: the leading cause of death in young children. Empower your child by enrolling them in ISR's Self-Rescue or traditional lessons.
More than 45 years of research and development behind ISR's Self-Rescue® program
ISR Instructors have delivered more than 7,750,000 ISR Self-Rescue® lessons and saved more than 800 lives.
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